Saturday, March 20, 2010

Quote of the Weekend

"This is the largest tax bill in history," the Republican leader fumed. The reform "is unjust, unworkable, stupidly drafted and wastefully financed."

And that wasn't all. This "cruel hoax," he said, this "folly" of "bungling and waste," compared poorly to the "much less expensive" and "practical measures" favored by the Republican Party.

"We must repeal," the GOP leader argued. "The Republican Party is pledged to do this."

-- Alf Landon, in a September 1936 campaign speech talking about Social Security (quoted in the Dickwhisperer's Kaplan Daily column appearing on Sunday). Alf went on to lose to socialistdemocommiefascist FDR in an historic landslide, carrying only Maine and Vermont.

On the eve of the historic health care reform vote, may this hearten Democrat jellyfish and be a foretelling of the Rethug future.

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