First, the good news. Two of our favorite fringe-right punching-bags, teabaggers and the American Taliban, are now starting to go after each other. Seems as though the American Taliban (led by the likes of Tony "Psycho" Perkins) can't abide the fact that most teabaggers are far-right libertarians who couldn't care less about American Taliban issues like abortion and gay marriage, but rather are deranged about Big Gummint, taxes and health insurance reform. Some on the right hope the cracks are superficial and temporary. We say any cracks in the crackpot right are to be welcomed -- and exploited!
Second, the better news. As we've thought and said, the Rethug tide may have crested sometime last quarter (not to say the Dems won't lose seats in Congress this fall - just maybe it won't be the calamity the brain-dead Villagers have been yakking about for months). Bob Shrum has an article worth reading about Obama's coming resurgence.
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