Sunday, April 4, 2010

Quote of the Weekend

"Eric Cantor has been riding the tiger for a long time.

Eleven years ago, the future House Republican whip was still a young state delegate in Virginia when Jerry Falwell declared that the Antichrist would be a Jew. Jewish leaders and others denounced Falwell's words, but Cantor 'was careful to avoid publicly criticizing' the minister, noted Cantor's hometown paper, the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

When Falwell died in 2007, Cantor went to the House floor to eulogize 'a great leader.' You don't get to be the No. 2 Republican in the House, and the only Republican Jew in Congress, by taking on extremists in your party."

-- Dickwhisperer Dana Milbank in today's Kaplan Daily, wishing in the end that Cantor would "use his influence to calm" the crackpots in his party. Dream on.

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