Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bloomin' Tales

The New York Times has a disturbing report on Dem Senate candidate Richard "Bloomin' Tales" Blumenthal, who is running for the Connecticut seat being vacated by Sen. Chris Dodd. In essence, Bloomin' Tales has been neglecting to mention that he received several deferments during the Vietnam war, while portraying himself as having served in Vietnam when he actually served stateside in the Marine Reserves while the war was winding down. It's apparently more than just "misspeaking;" it's outright lying, if you read the NY Times account.

It's a shame that he thought he had to spin false tales to appeal to the public. Now he's faced with the task of walking back his military story and trying not to appear as another lying politician. It's astounding that in this age, Bloomin' Tales thought no one would check his background and statements for accuracy. Maybe these guys really do believe they're untouchable.

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