Friday, June 25, 2010

Letting His Guard Down

How serious are Rethug officials in the Gulf coast states about cleaning up the oil hitting their beaches and marshes? We know that Mississippi Gov. Haley "Come On Down!" Barbour is in full fabrication / ain't no big deal mode, wanting tourists to come to Mississippi's Gulf shores to enjoy the sun, sand, and crude oil. Now, it's reported by CBS News that Louisiana Rethug Gov. Bobby "Kenneth" Jindal has failed to deploy all 6,000 Louisiana National Guard troops to fight the spill, despite their activation some time ago by President Obama. Meanwhile, he's been getting media time lambasting the Federal government for blocking the troop deployment. Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen says that's not true.

Clearly, Governor Kenneth is trying to have it both ways: appearing to be the "people's Governor" standing up for the fishermen, etc., while dragging his feet and cooperating with BP's attempts to limit press coverage. In other words, typical right-wing political behavior.

(photo: No, this is not a doctored photo)

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