No major Rethug sex scandals this week, so that must mean it's time for a good old Rethug crime scandal. Former chairman of the Florida Rethug Party Jim "Greedy" Greer was indicted on six felonies for steering campaign contributions to his pockets. Greedy Greer had resigned his position with the Florida Rethugs earlier this year, after the allegations were made known. Interestingly, his indictment reflects on both Gov. Charlie Crist, running as an independent for Senator, and his Rethuglican challenger Marco "Boobie-o" Rubio: Crist for appointing him in the first place, and Boobie-o for reminding voters of Boobie-o's free-spending ways with the Rethug Party credit card.
With Greedy facing some 80 years in prison if / when convicted, Hackwhackers is sending him a complimentary soap-on-a-rope for those awkward prison showers.
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