Friday, July 9, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Significant portions of the Republican coalition believe that it is a desirable strategy to talk of armed revolution, embrace libertarian purity and alienate Hispanic voters. With a major Republican victory in November, those who hold these views may well be elevated in profile and influence. And this could create durable, destructive perceptions of the Republican Party that would take decades to change. A party that is intimidated and silent in the face of its extremes is eventually defined by them." -- Conservative columnist Michael "Mushroom Cloud" Gerson, in today's Kaplan Daily.

When Rethug political leaders refuse to disagree with far-right demagogues like Pills Limpballs and Boo Hoo the Hoot Beck, it's not surprising when tea bagging radicals like Nevada's Sharron "Right" Angle and Rand "The Sprinklerhead" Paul fill the vacuum.

BONUS READ: Soon-to-be-former Rep. Bob Inglis (R-SC), who was ousted in his primary by a tea bagger, condemns Rethug demagoguery and racism. Must be the day for Rethuglican introspection and confession.

Sen. Dick Lugar (R-IN), one of the few sane Republicans, joins in today's reality check with a beat down of Willard "Mittens/ Flip Flop/ Muff" Romney's attack on the START treaty (see "Mittens: 'I See BMs" below).

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