Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sharron Angle Meets Press, Disaster Ensues

Uber wingnut tea bagger Sharron "Obtuse" Angle, running for Harry Reid's Senate seat in Nevada, is fast becoming the Michele Bachmann of the current election cycle. It's easy to understand why Rethug pols have been trying to keep her under wraps as much as possible (even scrubbing her pre-primary web site to sanitize the crackpot views she holds). Herewith we present the latest three examples of why Obtuse + microphone = BOOM!

Obtuse on creating jobs in Nevada.

Obtuse's making lemonade out of lemons advice for rape victims.

Obtuse on the BP "slush fund."

(Photo: Obtuse Angle, the Rethugs' gift to Harry Reid)

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