Saturday, July 24, 2010

Save Your Confederate Money

It must be the season of wingnuttery gone even nuttier. Tennessee Rethuglican Rep. Zach "Wamp There It Is" Wamp is running for Governor, and he's trying to out-treason Texas Rethug Gov. Rick "Hair" Perry. Wamp There It Is is saying that if the voters don't return Rethugs to power in 2010 and 2012, states (presumably red ones) may have to to "consider separation from this Government." In other words, a new Confederate States of America. Gee, maybe they could bring back slavery.

But as Think Progress notes, Wamp There It Is may want to reflect on history:
In 1860, American voters elected an obscure former congressman named “Abraham Lincoln” to the presidency. Eleven southern states — all of whom disagreed with the new president on the issue of slavery — soon decided that they didn’t want to be bound by the results of that election. Before Wamp starts campaigning to become the next Jefferson Davis, however, he might want to give some thought to what happened the last time right-wing state governments engaged in an act of mass treason.
Looking on the bright side, a second, more severe Reconstruction might do some states some good.

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