Thursday, September 9, 2010

Quickly Grifting Away

For years, political types refrained from overt politicking on the anniversary of 9/11. It was an unwritten rule that the day should be spent in commemoration of the dead and resolve to defeat terrorism. Well, it seems that Boo Hoo and Winky didn't get the memo. Shamefully, these two champion grifters are holding an event on 9/11 in Alaska. . . and they're selling tickets and pocketing the proceeds! And claiming that the date of their rally on the anniversary of 9/11 is just a coincidence!! Wow, that's some kind of whopper.

We suspect that this is the beginning of a long, profitable association between these two sociopathic wingnuts. So profitable, in fact, that they would lose millions if they actually found real work, say by running for office and trying to solve problems rather than profit from them. Nevertheless, we hope that they form the Rethug / New Confederate party ticket in 2012, because the Rethugs have earned a catastrophic defeat at the polls.

BONUS: You must check out the blow-back Winky's getting on her condemnation of the Florida "pastor's" Koran burning event this weekend. This is the "moran" population we keep referring to, a major part of the Rethug base.

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