Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Rethugs' Mask Slips Again

How many times have we heard Congressional Rethugs talk about "job killing" actions of the Dems, and how they know how to create jobs? Well, apparently, the Rethugs like job creation. . .overseas. Senate Rethuglicans unanimously blocked a vote on a Dem bill to eliminate tax breaks for companies shipping jobs overseas, and to provide tax breaks for companies bringing jobs back to the U.S. That the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and National Association of Manufacturers backed the Rethug position tells you all you need to know about their priorities. It seems that when they talk about "job creation" they actually mean "wealth creation" for their top-earning supporters.

If this doesn't become an election issue, then the Dems should hang it up. It's a "twofer" for them: tax breaks for business and jobs at home. And again, the Rethugs have been exposed as a party that will, time and again, side with the multinational corporations and the investor class over the middle class.

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