Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Son of Dear Leader Ascends

After years of blissful anticipation, Dear Leader Kim Jong Il has set the stage for the eventual succession of his 26- or- 27- year- old son Kim Jong Eun as leader of North Korea. Yesterday, Son of Dear Leader was promoted from civilian to four-star general, a rank acknowledging his glorious battlefield victories at Agincourt, Waterloo, Gettysburg, and Stalingrad. The Kaplan Daily reports that, according to an intercepted 17-page North Korean military document, Son of Dear Leader is said to be "a genius with exceptional talent...Anybody who meets him...wants to worship him."

Well, if he's anything like the old man, we certainly can understand that!

(Photo: The Dear Leader - not photoshopped!)


  1. HW!

    I had no idea that Hackwhackers is a celebrity nudes site!

  2. Please! He's wearing a tasteful, Worker Party approved g-string!
