Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Rallying Dems

Yesterday afternoon's rally for President Obama at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (ahem, our alma mater) drew over 26,000 enthusiastic supporters. Speaking at the campus' Library Mall, the President reminded the students, faculty and residents "now is not the time to give up." He continued, "the biggest mistake we can make right now is to let disappointment lead to apathy." His remarks were also broadcast to 200 other colleges and universities.

Other signs of a reemerging Dem surge were noted in a poll of likely voters in Maryland, where Dem Gov. Martin O'Malley is being challenged by former Rethug Gov. Bob "Beatle Bob" Ehrlich, who was "fired" by the voters in the last election, and who has been employed since then as a corporate lobbyist (surprise!). Last month the race was neck-and-neck, but in the most recent poll, O'Malley has jumped to an 11 point lead over Beatle Bob.

Dems seem to be waking up to the fact that Rethug / New Confederate Party rule by the likes of Sen. Jim "Demented" DeMint and the Orange Boner would be a disaster for America. The more radical the Rethug message becomes -- thanks to the teatard influence -- the more Dems, and moderate independents will be motivated to get out and vote.

(photo: M. DeVries, Capital Times)

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