Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Rethug Mask Slips, Cont'd.

Maybe Rethuglican National Committee Chairclown Shizzle Steele is secretly running the Rethug advertising operation, or incompetence is contagious among the Rethugs. To wit: the Rethugs started running an ad against West Virginia Dem Gov. Joe Manchin, who's running for the late Sen. Byrd's Senate seat, that depicts three good ol' boys chatting about how Manchin would be an ally of President Obama if elected to the Senate. So far so good, but then the casting call and script were leaked. The Rethug ad agency said they were looking for "a 'Hicky' Blue Collar look" and went on to describe the clothing the "good ol' boys" should wear (including John "Deer" caps). The actors hired were found in Philadelphia.

The main point is that the Rethug politicians and the elites they represent never met a real working-class West Virginian; even their multi-millionaire candidate running against Manchin maintains his residence in Palm Beach, Florida. They think West Virginians themselves buy the stereotypical image that the Rethug elites have of them. Sadly, some low-information voters will buy the Rethuglican garbage, but it's always good to see the mask slip away -- if only for a moment -- to reveal the face of the Rethug / New Confederate Party.

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