Wednesday, February 9, 2011

O'Liely Comes Up Waaaaay Short

The hostile pre-Super Bowl interview of President Obama by the Fux Channel's top pinhead Bill O'Liely didn't draw the massive audience that O'Liely bragged it would ("the most watched in the history of mankind" -- riiiiight). The interview drew around 17 million viewers, far short of Barbara Walters 1999 record interview of Monica Lewinsky which drew 70 million voyeurs, er, viewers. Tough luck, Billy O, you lost to the mighty Clenis again!

And by the way, when is President Obama going to stop bending over for right wingers, expecting them to show respect and fairness? Not gonna happen. These one-on-one "interviews" with non-journalists just diminish his prestige (we include Jon Stewart, too). We still remember Obama's pre-inauguration dinner with the odious righties Wee Willie Kristol, Chuck Kraphammer and Quill Will; that sure did a lot to change their view of him.

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