Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Webb Won't Run Again

Virginia's one-term Democratic Sen. Jim Webb announced today what many were expecting: that he won't run for re-election in 2012. In the opinion of most observers, Webb, a tough-to-pigeonhole Democrat, would have faced a difficult, but winnable re-election battle. Former Rethug Sen. George "Macaca" Allen is running to reclaim his seat, but faces a teabagger challenge.

A ray of hope for Democrats is the possibility popular former Governor and current chairman of the Democratic Party, Tim Kaine, may be persuaded to enter the fray to save the seat for the Democrats.


  1. Say it ain't so! I think he would be a valuable asset anywhere, but can't imagine him being more valuable at this time in our history as he would be in the senate. This makes me frown - not a good look. P.E.C.

  2. Hi P.E.C. -- The Post is saying that he had a better than even chance to hold the seat, but was frustrated by the Senate and the need to raise funds, etc. Maybe he'll end up as Sec. of Defense after his term ends in 2012. A good man.
