Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Quote of the Week

"In a world where the majority can govern with or without you, you have a strong incentive to participate constructively in the process. In a world where the majority can't govern without you, and won't be reelected if they can't govern, you have a strong incentive to walk away from the process. Success for the majority means electoral failure for you. That means your interests and the country's interests are not aligned." -- Ezra Klein, in his column in today's Kaplan Daily. Klein discusses at length the recent decision by Sen. "Missy" McConnell (Rethug-KY) and his new girlfriend Sen. Harry "Mr. Peepers" Reid (D-Wishywashy) not to change the dysfunctional filibuster rules in the Senate. It's a decision that should rightly haunt the Democrats, and "Mr. Peepers" in particular, simply because it wasn't in the country's interest to continue that polarizing anachronism.

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