Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Wingnut Wars
The increasingly disturbed rants of Fux's Boo Hoo Beck are causing some alarm bells to go off among his fellow wingnuts. Neocon smarm-meister Wee Willie Kristol reacted to Boo Hoo's apocalyptic nuttery regarding the crisis in Egypt being a vast Islamic/left wing plot to establish a caliphate in "Babylon." Calling Boo Hoo "hysterical," Wee Willie warned that Boo Hoo was "marginalizing himself." Boo Hoo hit back on his radio show, sarcastically referring to Wee Willie as "Billy" and questioning his feality to conservatism. Apparently other Rethugs are going quietly to Fux's leadership and saying that Boo Hoo is on "thin ice."
Watching him must be like watching a mental breakdown in slow motion. The paranoid fantasies, delusions and strange conspiracy theories have all the marks of someone who has lost his marbles. Shame on Fux for not staging an intervention and getting Boo Hoo the psychiatric help he desperately needs.