Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rump Roast

Now that the White House has released the President's actual birth certificate, Rethug vulgarian and egomaniac Donald "Rump" Trump has less to yammer about. Without naming Rump, it was satisfying for the President to refer to the "sideshows and carnival barkers" exploiting the non-issue. But that won't stop Rump from trying to smear the President. Rump's latest race-bating smear against President Obama is suggesting that he wasn't qualified for Ivy League schools, that he was a "terrible student" [wink wink affirmative action]. And how does Rump know this? He says it's based on things he's "heard." Salon's Alex Pareen has an interesting article about Rump's hypocrisy, noting:
"Leaving aside the fact that Obama, who went on to graduate Harvard Law magna cum laude, seems like he was probably a very good student, Mr. Trump might need a refresher course in how unqualified people actually do manage to get into the prestigious Ivy League Universities . Let us take, as an example, the story of a student so obviously unqualified, so transparently unworthy, that a book was written about what his admittance into Harvard said about the sorry behavior of supposedly elite colleges. That student -- that dull, below-average student who somehow made his way into Harvard -- was Donald Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner."

Rump might also have trouble explaining to his teatard followers why 54% of his $1.3 million in donations have gone to Democrats. Also, Rump has flip-flopped on everything from women's reproductive choice to raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans. He even has his menswear made in China, while bashing China for taking American jobs. So, Rump's no slave to consistency or honesty.

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