. . .finds a nut once in a while. This is even true for right-wing blind squirrel and New York Times op-ed bloviator David "Bobo" Brooks, who discovers a nut about the fanatical intransigence of Rethugs on the debt ceiling, ending with this:
"If the debt ceiling talks fail, independents voters will see that Democrats were willing to compromise but Republicans were not. If responsible Republicans don’t take control, independents will conclude that Republican fanaticism caused this default. They will conclude that Republicans are not fit to govern. And they will be right."Congrats, Bobo, on your discovery. But where have you been the past 30-odd years when the Rethug right was waging all-out war on gummint, protecting the super-rich and demonizing the working poor? This is nothing new.
(Image: Bobo the Squirrel)
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