Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Grifter's Return

Conservative columnist Kathleen Parker isn't a fan of former half-term Governor and full-time grifter Sarah "Mama Fizzly" Palin. Today, Parker fires another salvo at Snowbilly Snooki:
"Time will tell, but what recent history already confirms is that Palin isn’t a serious person. If she had been serious about running for president, she would have completed her term as governor. Or, having left office, she would have spent her time hitting the books and filling in knowledge gaps so painfully exposed during the 2008 election. Instead, she hit the road in a series of moneymaking, self-promoting stunts and has succeeded in achieving the true American dream: fame and fortune. Good for her. But all those people who have written checks and invested good faith in their chosen one will be justified in feeling played like any other heartbroken victim of a terrible flirt."
The Alaska con artist was in Iowa this weekend to try to grab the spotlight from the actual candidates for the Rethug nomination. At some point, as Parker suggests, the rubes that idolize her will notice that their wallets are empty as she counts their money on her tour bus as it gathers speed leaving town.

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