Sunday, August 14, 2011

Obama: Why Not Call Them Out?

It's become a constant theme in President Obama's rhetoric: Congress / Washington is the problem. It's very rare that he mentions that it's the Rethuglicans who are the negative force obstructing the recovery. Here's the latest example from yesterday's weekly Presidential radio address:
"Members of Congress are at home in their districts right now. And if you agree with me–whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican or not much of a fan of either–let them know. If you’ve had it with gridlock, and you want them to pass stalled bills that will help our economy right now–let them know." (emphasis added)
"Not much of a fan of either"? Please. We understand the game he's playing. With Congress as an institution having record low approval ratings, he's reinforcing the public's view and maintaining a posture of being above partisan politics. But by doing so, he's undeservedly spreading the blame equally for the dysfunction of the last two years. Maybe he doesn't care if a Rethug Senate and House is elected in 2012, only that he's reelected.

It would be refreshing if, for once, he would call out the Rethugs as the party of opposition to fixing the economy. His failure to single them out by name only lets the Rethuglicans duck responsibility -- and Dems share the blame. He shouldn't forget that he's not only the leader of the country, but also the leader of his party. Time for him to start playing both roles a lot better.

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