Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Angry Right-Wing Mob On Display

While we didn't watch the teabagger / Rethug poofest last night, we saw this report about a moment when Wolf "The Situation. . .Room" Blitzer posed a hypothetical situation about an uninsured man dying in a hospital. When the Wolf Man asked, "are you saying society should just let him die?" several in the teahadist audience shouted "yeah!" before nutty Ron Paul could respond.

This is the angry, greedy, radical right in full view of the public, stripped of the mainstream media's overly polite and timid coverage of them. No doubt that the ones shouting "yeah!" would describe themselves as "Christian," too. Then there's this related study on the racial resentment that motivates teahadists, whose hatred of President Obama has at least as much to do with his race as his policies.

Here's the magic moment when the teabagger crowd yells "Let him die!":

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