Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pennsylvania Rethugs Want to Rig Electoral Voting

Pennsylvania Rethugs are hard at work trying to move the goal posts in time for the 2012 elections. We've become familiar with the panoply of Rethuglican voter suppression tools, ranging from the ridiculous (putting out information telling voters to vote on the wrong day, or at the wrong polling place, etc.) to the sublimely ridiculous (mandating voter photo ID cards, trying to disenfranchise student voters, etc.). Now, in Pennsylvania (and to come in other blue states with a Rethug governor like Michigan or Wisconsin?) the Rethugs want to change the method for apportioning Electoral College votes from the winner-take-all system to one that gives votes to whoever wins a Congressional district. Of course, they'll only be proposing this change in Democratic-leaning states; Rethug-leaning states will stay winner-take--ll. The goal, of course, is the "permanent Republican majority" (a.k.a., one-party rule) that Rove/ Limpballs/ and the Koch Brothers long for in their little authoritarian hearts.

Just another reason to defeat these increasingly evil SOBs at every opportunity.

(Image: an excellent book, but not linked in any way to this latest power grab)

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