Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bachmann Blasted by Pediatricians

The American Academy of Pediatrics has come out with a statement trying to counter the ignorant comments of Rep. Michele "I See Commies" Bachmann (Loon-MN) at the recent CNN/Tea Bagger race-to-the-bottom debate. (Bachmann asserted that the HPV vaccine caused mental retardation; she was clumsily trying to make points at Gov. Rick "Hair" Perry's (Secessionist-TX) expense over a one-time Perry decision to have girls vaccinated in Texas for the HP virus). Here's what the AAP had to say:
“The American Academy of Pediatrics would like to correct false statements made in the Republican presidential campaign that HPV vaccine is dangerous and can cause mental retardation. There is absolutely no scientific validity to this statement. Since the vaccine has been introduced, more than 35 million doses have been administered, and it has an excellent safety record..."

Regardless, we expect the Rethug's war on science to continue unabated.

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