Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What Would St. Ronnie Do?

With the Rethuglican Presidential debate being held at St. Ronnie of Hollywood's Presidential Library, expect each of the winger candidates to pay homage to the late President ad nauseum. But would St. Ronnie pass muster in today's radical far right Rethug Party? The Washington Monthly's Steve Benen thinks not:
"The GOP agenda of 2011 — most notably the 'Cut, Cap, and Balance' plan — would have made Reagan’s entire agenda impossible, including the military buildup that conservatives credit with winning the Cold War. The disconnect between Republicans’ principles and their understanding of history seems important. On the one hand, Republicans have a religious-like reverence for 'Ronaldus Magnus'; on the other, they have no use for his approach to governance. It is, in other words, time for the mainstream to realize that this is no longer the Party of Reagan."
Would St. Ronnie have advocated the State of California secede if they didn't agree with Federal regulations, as Hair Perry has done vis-a-vis Texas? No, he was more careful than that. Hopefully, the Rethug candidates at tonight's debate will try to outdo each other in more and more radical, out of the mainstream jabber. Bring the popcorn.

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