Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cain's 9-9-9 Tax Plan for Sim-pletons

Rethug front-runner (!) and ego-tripping candidate Herman "Herb*" Cain has a catchy sounding tax plan. He calls it "9-9-9", for the 9 percent tax corporations would pay, a 9 percent personal income tax rate everyone would pay, and a 9 percent national sales tax. Wildly regressive, yes! It would slam low-income and working poor and middle class families while plummeting taxes on the rich and corporations. Sounds like a Randian wet dream.

Could it be it's origins are as sim-ple as the thinking behind it?

*Courtesy Simple Sarah Palin.

(Photo: "Herb" Cain, Tax Collector for Sim City?)

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