Thursday, October 13, 2011

Quote of the Day

"Apparently, Newt Gingrich — who considers himself one of the intellectual leaders of the free world — is so embarrassed by the fact that he is running behind Michele Bachmann in Republican polls that it has increased his already well-developed propensity to utter outlandish things.”-- Rep. Barney Frank, in a classic put-down of Newt "Poot" Gingrich, after he called for Frank and former Sen. Chris Dodd to be jailed for the financial regulatory reform law that carries their name. The desperate Poot would love to "free" the banks and hedge funds from regulation so that they can work their magic on the economy once again. Were Poot to be the Rethug nominee (fat chance -- pun intended), President Obama would wipe the floor with his vast pink bottom.

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