Sunday, October 2, 2011

You're Crazy, "Herb"

Rethuglican Presidential candidate and pizza pusher Herman "Not Able" Cain was challenged on ABC's This Week to defend his "anti-Sharia law" nonsense. After playing a tape of New Jersey Gov. Chris "Kris Krispycreme" Christie's statement that "this Sharia law business is just crap, it's just crazy," Not Able said, "Call me crazy."

OK, no problem. You're crazy, and an opportunist to boot. You're parroting far-right, teabagger Islamophobia as a way of gaining their favor. After all, pitting one minority against another is an old tactic of the conservative elites, and in "Herb", they have a willing puppet.

(image: After the Rethugs are done with you, you have a career working childrens' parties.)

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