Sunday, November 20, 2011
The American Taliban's Newest Candidate
That would be none other than adulterer and thrice-married Newt "Poot" Gingrich, who joined fellow wingers at a "Thanksgiving Family Forum" sponsored by a coalition of right-wing fundamentalist groups in Iowa yesterday, and proclaimed that a secular state was the root of all evil in America. Alternatively, Poot might want to consider hypocrisy and extremism as the root. Also personal greed and lying.
The religious wingers never seem to question just which public officials would write the prayers that would be said in public schools, etc. The founding fathers created a nation that separated church and state, having seen the problems of combining the two. Poot and the other Talibangelists running for the Rethug nomination should also see Iran as a cautionary tale: when you mix Government and religion (particularly the fundamentalist type), you end up with tyranny.