Wherein, in this morning's Kaplan Daily, blind squirrel Kathleen Parker finds an acorn:
"It takes courage to swim against the tide of know-nothingness that has become de rigueur among the anti-elite, anti-intellectual Republican base. Call it the Palinization of the GOP, in which the least informed earns the loudest applause. The latest to this spectacle is Herman Cain, who has figured out how to turn his liabilities into assets. After fumbling for an answer during an editorial board meeting to a simple question about his position on Libya, a lead news item since February, Cain blamed — who else? — the media."
Then promptly forgets where it is:
"Even so, there are signs that the GOP is recognizing its weaknesses and is ready to play smarter. To wit: The sudden surge of Gingrich, who, whatever his flaws and despite the weight of his considerable baggage, is no intellectual slouch. Whether he can pull off a victory in Iowa remains to be seen, but a populist professor — a bombastic smarty-pants Republicans can call their own — may be just the ticket."
Yes, "Air Poot" is the ticket, though there may be an extra charge for the weight of all that "baggage," and some fellow nuts are not on board yet.
P.S. - If your concern is about the know-nothings in your party, and the liars and cranks that work overtime to misinform them, here's something you might want to look into.
(Image: Kathleen Parker, in search of an acorn - or was it "the ticket?")
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