Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Don't Know Much 'Bout Libya, Etc., Etc.
Former inedible pizza mogul and Rethuglican Presidential candidate Herman "Herb" Cain thought he was going on a book tour at the outset of his improbable run for the Rethug nomination. But, as one wingnut after another fell by the wayside, Herb's poll numbers crawled upward and he was no longer flying under the radar. His pronouncements were getting more scrutiny, as were claims of sexual harassment and sexual battery from several women.
Herb's "Uzbeki beki beki beki stan stan" moment was the first hint that he was a blank slate on foreign affairs. Ditto when he suggested that China had yet to develop nuclear weapons. Then yesterday, when asked by the Milwaukee Sentinel Journal editorial board about Libya, he drew a blank, then bumbled around with "things twirling around in my head" for a few minutes before finally spitting out some nonsense. Here's Think Progress' useful compilation of Herb's pratfalls.
(hat tip to P.E.C.)
(image: "If elected, I will demand that the Soviets tear down the Brooklyn wall.")