Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bitter Tea

Plastic plutocrat Willard "Mittens" Romney is headed into the South Carolina primary with the backing of many establishment Rethuglicans, including lots of country club elitists. But, ominously for Mittens, the hard core wingnut base which calls themselves the "tea party" will have none of the human weather vane, as this story in the New York Times notes. Sample quote:
"A 54-year-old refugee from the North Shore of Massachusetts, (Karen) Martin is the lead organizer of the nearby Spartanburg Tea Party... She recounted how she burst into tears at the moment she realized, watching the news in 2008, that children growing up today wouldn’t have the economic opportunities that she did...Then our conversation turned to Mitt Romney, and Martin’s sunny countenance darkened. 'I don’t know a single Tea Party person,' she said, slowly drawing out her words, 'who does not despise Mitt Romney to the very core of their being.' I searched her face for levity or compassion, but found neither."
Gulp. And the Rethug blood bath is just getting started. Popcorn time!!

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