Lights! Camera! Mug shot! Right-wing video doctor James "G. Gordon Diddy" O'Keefe may just have crossed the line again, this time by engaging in voter fraud in the recent New Hampshire Rethug primary. It seems the young dimwit and his band of, er, dimwits videotaped an election official while they were in the process of committing voter fraud! Why would anyone with a brain do such a thing, and provide the video evidence? (I believe I answered that question while asking it.) They're trying to show how important it is to have tough voter I.D. laws, that's why by crackey! (In other words, they're involved in the ongoing Rethug voter suppression effort.)
For his noble efforts, G. Gordon is facing potential state charges of voter fraud and illegally recording an election official, and federal charges of crossing state lines to record an election official and identity theft. The little ass whistle is already on 3-years probation for "entry by false pretense" into Sen. Mary Landrieu's office with the intention of wiretapping her phone. We'd like to see him put his mad videographic skillz to a real test with a hidden camera in the showers at the Atlanta Penitentiary.
(Photo: G. Gordon Diddy in happier times.)
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