From the Rethuglican asshats running in tonight's Iowa caucus, these random shots (h/t to Daily Kos for doing my work for me):
-- Vacuum-brained Gov. Rick "Oops" Perry, once again with the Obama/ Hitler analogy.
-- America's answer to the Hindenburg Newt "Poot" Gingrich makes the observation that Willard is a "liar" and fraud. Duh.
-- Willard "Flip-Flop/ Mendacious Millionaire Mitt" Romney plays the Obama derangement syndrome card in a desperate attempt at getting votes from the lizard-brained dimbulbs occupying the base of his party.
-- Rick "Frothy Mix" Santorum, projecting again, thinks Rep. Ron "Race War" Paul is "disgusting."
(Image: Typical Iowa Rethuglican voter Claude Hopper trusting in the Lord and the voices in his head to lead him to the right candidate tonight.)
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