We've been watching clips of the Rethug free-for-all last night, and the punditocracy is giving the "win" to open marriage advocate Poot Gingrich. Daily Kos has a quick summary here, with comments, on the debate.
Poot was armed and loaded, waiting for the inevitable question about his second wife's claim that he asked for an open marriage arrangement, so that he could continue to shtupp future wife Calista, but with his wife's approval. Imitating a giant, raging Stay Puft marshmallow, Poot went after CNN's ever-smarmy John "Man Who Won't Be" King, and proceeded to play proctologist with his size 11 with King for raising the issue, drawing an ovation from the wingnut audience. Count on Poot to "blame the media first."
Speaking of smarmy, one percenter and well-lubricated weather vane Willard "Millionaire Mittens" Romney continued to fumble on the issue of releasing his tax returns. At one point, Mittens lapsed into the truth when he said his returns would be ammunition for Dems, essentially admitting he has something to hide.
In all, a great night -- and a great week -- for Dems.
(image: This captures the Newt-ron moment better than an actual photo)
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