Today is primary day in South Carolina, ancestral home of treasonous secession and unreconstructed racism (Rick Perry and John C. Calhoun, why hast thou forsaken us?). In the course of a week, Willard "What Tax Returns?" Romney's lead has dwindled into, depending on the poll, a dead heat or a solid lead for Newt "The Swinger" Gingrich. One, Public Policy Polling, has The Swinger up by 37%-28% over Millionaire Mitt.
One reason for The Swinger's Up-Schwing (gag) may be that the teabaggers are going for him overwhelmingly: 52%-18% in that same PPP poll. Here's what one numbnut, Karen Martin of the Spartanburg (S.C.) Tea Party, had to say:
"Then our conversation turned to Mitt Romney, and Martin’s sunny countenance darkened. 'I don’t know a single Tea Party person,' she said, slowly drawing out her words, 'who does not despise Mitt Romney to the very core of their being.' I searched her face for levity or compassion, but found neither."
Back in 2008, Oxycontin Rush Limpballs was urging his knuckle-dragging listeners in Texas and Ohio to vote for Hillary Clinton in their open primaries in order to prolong the Democratic race, calling it "too good a soap opera." Now that we have a similar soap opera (or better, a comedy of errors) unfolding in the Rethuglican race, we can only hope it goes on as long as possible, right Rush?
(Image: Tea baggers to the reskew!)
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