Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Quote of the Day

"President Obama, Willard told his crowd, is practicing 'the bitter politics of envy.' He warned them not to be seduced by the president's 'resentment of success.' It was a moment of almost transcendental meanness and fakery. Willard was explaining to his audience that he was just like them, and that they were the keepers of America's promise, and that they would continue to be — at least until, for his own profit and that of his wealthy investors, Willard wrecked their companies, stole their retirement, and shipped their jobs to China, never to return. They were all in it together, Willard assured them." -- the always readable Charles Pierce, in He notes in another piece today how the Village mainstream media is swooning over Mittens' win in New Hampshire, while attempting to defend Mittens against those mean attacks on his destructive role at Bain Capital. Always good to remember the media elite are also part of the 1%.

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