The Limpballs Effect (i.e., shedding advertisers like a snake sheds its skin) seems to be spreading to all of Limpballs' frothing imitators in far-right hate radio:
"Premiere Networks, which distributes Limbaugh as well as a host of other right-wing talkers, sent an email out to its affiliates early Friday listing 98 large corporations that have requested their ads appear only on 'programs free of content that you know are deemed to be offensive or controversial (for example, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Tom Leykis, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity).'”
And by "large corporations" we mean Ford, Geico, McDonald's, GM, etc. This is not to say Limpballs and the other sociopathic buffoons won't continue to be aired (there's always the Koch brothers' industries* and others of that ilk to underwrite the frothers). But it shows that responsible companies are no longer going to be associated with the hateful, divisive, misogynist sewage that comes out of these programs.
* FYI, Koch Industries is a huge conglomerate which includes such avoidable consumer brands as (via its ownership of Georgia-Pacific Co.) Brawny paper towels, Dixie Cups, Vanity Fair napkins, and Quilted Northern and Angel Soft bathroom tissue; also, Stainmaster carpets. Just sayin'.
(Image: A.k.a., left to right, Hannity, Beck, and Limbaugh)
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