Ladies and gentlemen, let me present our "liberal media" at work:
"Overall, it was no contest. From Jan. 2 through April 15, Romney’s coverage was 39 percent positive, 32 percent negative, and 29 percent neutral, the researchers found. Obama’s coverage was 18 percent positive, 34 percent negative, and 34 percent neutral. That means Romney’s depiction by the media was more than twice as positive as the president’s. So much for liberal bias."
This is Howie "Get That Job?" Kurtz' (!) analysis of a study done by the Pew Research Center's non-profit Project for Excellence in Journalism on media coverage of the presidential campaign from January through mid-April 2012. Fifty-two media outlets were surveyed, including newspapers, television, radio and web.
This also comports with the study showing Sunday talk shows heavily favor Rethug and right-wing politicians and pundits as guests. So, please, whenever you hear the phrase "liberal media bias" try to suppress a laugh -- and keep your hand on your wallet.
(Image: "What can I do to help Millionaire Mitt today?")
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