Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Department of Promises, Promises

With Wisconsin's Rethuglican Governor and manager of Koch Industries' union busting efforts Scott "Divide and Conquer" Walker facing a recall election next month, he's eager to convince Wisconsinites that his miserable economic record of the past 2 years will magically improve the day after the recall election:
“There is a tremendous enthusiasm built up for additional jobs,” he said. “I think you’re going to see a tremendous takeoff.”
Riiiight! Wisconsinites did see job creation under Divide and Conquer: it happened in neighboring states, where their jobs went.

The only way the job situation will improve in Wisconsin is when Divide and Conquer loses his.

NOTE: One way you can help make this happen is to give to Walker's Democratic opponent, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, 'cause it sure looks like he ain't going to get much help from the goddamn dumbass Democratic National Committee.

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