Thursday, May 10, 2012

Doughy Pantload and the Pulitzer Prize

After a few years writing on this blog, we found it tedious to keep up with the fast pace of moronic droppings from the various wingnut and Rethuglican shills (Michelle Malkin, Wee Willie Kristol, Heil Hannity, etc.) But we just couldn't resist Alex Pareene's takedown of someone we've been forced to pay attention to lately: wingnut auteur and all-around laughingstock Jonah "Doughy Pantload" Goldberg. What did Doughy Pantload do this time? Well, this beneficiary of wingnut welfare, who the Kaplan Daily recently graced with valuable column space so he could continue his ad hominem jihad against all things "liberal," is apparently so insecure that... well, let's let Pareene tell the story:

"Jonah Goldberg is a syndicated columnist, author of books and National Review Online editor because his mother nearly took down Bill Clinton. He is, it’s fair to say, aware of that fact, or at least aware that everyone else thinks it, and his insecurity has made him a uniquely pathetic figure in contemporary conservative thought: He aspires to be taken seriously as a public intellectual, but he is the world’s laziest thinker. It is a grand and wonderful joke that Jonah Goldberg, of all people, would write an entire book about how liberals rely on clichés instead of original thought and intellectual argument.

"On the back of my review copy of 'The Tyranny of Clichés,' Goldberg’s latest, it still claims that the author 'has twice been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize.' That, of course, was revealed yesterday to be utter bullshit. He is a two-time entrant for Pulitzer consideration — to enter requires solely an application and a $50 fee — and while Goldberg claims not to have added that line to his bio, it appears everywhere he writes, and it’s hard to believe he hadn’t noticed it until this week. That said, I can’t imagine a person dumb enough to actually believe that Jonah Goldberg had been seriously considered for a Pulitzer..."

Readers should be aware that I, too, have been nominated for a Pulitzer Prize... just as soon as I get my application and $50 fee in.

(Photo: "Pulitzer Prize nominee" Jonah "Doughy Pantload" Goldberg - yeah, he takes the prize all right.)

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