Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Dumbya's Premature Iraqulation

As it so happens, nine years ago today aboard the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln, former Preznit Dumbya strutted on the flight deck in his flight suit costume with some extra padding in his codpiece, before changing clothes and making a victory speech underneath a "Mission Accomplished" banner.

Sadly for Dumbya, and tragically for thousands of our nation's armed forces members and Iraqi civilians, the Iraq War continued for many more years. As we said yesterday, remember this when you hear Rethugs and their apologists in the mainstream media criticizing President Obama for "politicizing" the killing of bin Laden last year. Dumbya was arrogant enough to claim victory when there was none; the President took credit for actually accomplishing something...something that Dumbya walked away from.

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