Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Porcine Pedophile Alert

Trying to enlist wingnut women to his misogynist cause, hate radio poo-flinger Rush Limpballs has a new gimmick: get them to go on Facebook and call themselves "RushBabes." Setting aside the question of what woman on earth would want to be this porcine clown's "babe," the Pig Man added a new twist when he fielded a call from a 14 year old Idaho girl:
"CALLER: Hi, Rush. Yeah, my name is Katie, and I'm 14, and I'm not sure if I qualify to be a Rush baby or a Rush babe. What do you think?

LIMBAUGH: You're 14? (Ed. - Can you hear the heavy breathing?)

CALLER: I'm 14.

LIMBAUGH: You're four-- you're both. You are Rush baby and a Rush babe both. We'll count you both.
(We'll take a break here so that you can wash your ears with disinfectant).

Should local police be notified when he's in town? You be the judge.