Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Rethug Tax "Reform:" Reverse Robin Hood

A study by Senate Democrats and reviewed by non-partisan tax experts, shows that the effect of the Rethuglican's tax "reform" plan would be raising much larger taxes on the middle class while sharply cutting taxes for the wealthy. It would also reduce federal tax revenues by $4.5 trillion over the next decade, exacerbating the deficit issue that the Rethuglicans and other squirrels claim is so important to address ("Austerity!"). (To see the best graphic of the impact of the tax "reform" plan, be sure to click on the chart in the linked article.) You couldn't find a starker example of the "reverse Robin Hood" Rethuglican/ Ayn Rand philosophy that the "productive" (a.k.a., the "wealthy," the "job creators") are to be rewarded with more wealth at the expense of a shrinking and declining middle class. You also couldn't find a starker contrast with what the Democrats believe and fight for.

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