Tuesday, June 12, 2012

There's The Truth, And Then There's Fux

Saying that the Fux "News" operation is in the tank for Rethuglicans is like saying the Sun's surface is warm. Frequently, in their zeal to smear the Obama presidency, they get tripped up by their own ineptitude, as witness "Fux and Friends" master bungler Steve "Doucheman" Doocy in this morning's softball interview of Willard "Pinocchio" Romney:
"If you watched Fox & Friends interview Mitt Romney on Tuesday morning, you heard from the inestimably chipper Steve Doocy that the Federal Reserve announced on Monday that forty percent of Americans’ wealth had been wiped out in “the last three years.” One problem. It’s not true. No doubt the Fed report made for sober reading, showing that median household net worth was in 2010 at its lowest level since 1992 when adjusted for inflation. But the years studied — the height of the recession with a cratering housing market — were 2007 to 2010. Not (for the time-challenged) the last three years." -- Paul Werdel, Talking Points Memo (our boldface)
Maybe if Texas Gov. Rick "One, Two...I Forgot Three" Perry runs in 2016 (after Pinocchio loses this November), the Doucheman can be his "numbers" guy on the campaign.

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