Thursday, July 12, 2012

Fightin' Joe

Vice President Joe "Big F***ing Deal" Biden has been hitting his campaign stride in back-to-back appearances before major groups: Tuesday at the National Council of La Raza and today at the NAACP convention in Houston. As we've noted, plutocrat and man-who-will-say-anything Willard "The Outsourcer" Romney's appearance at the NAACP was greeted by boos and bad reviews, after he delivered a speech not aimed at the audience, but at his radical teatard base.

Today, Biden fired up the house with a strong speech to the NAACP membership, ticking off the President's accomplishments -- from the rescue of the auto industry to killing bin Laden -- in the face of Rethug obstruction, and noting the current efforts by Rethugs to disenfranchise minority voters in key states ("did you think we'd be fighting these battles again"), much as Southern racists tried to bar blacks from voting in the '50s and '60s. At the same time, he demolished Willard's dishonest claim that he would have better policies for African-Americans.

Keep up the good fight, Joe. Your passion, your authenticity, and your simple honesty serves the President and the country well.

(hat tip to AZ Gail)

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