You can add the term "retired retroactively" to the growing list of risible Rethuglican word salads invented to divert the villager media and rubes in the Rethug base. We have former Enron stooge, former RNC chair and advisor to Willard "Offshore Mitt" Romney Ed Gillespie to thank for using that term to describe Offshore Mitt's status in the years 1999-2002, when Offshore Mitt was supposedly "retired" from Bain Capital while running the Salt Lake City Olympics, but continued as sole owner, president and CEO of Bain, according to SEC filings, and documents filed in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Or as Balloon Juice's John Cole put it:
"In other news, immediately after hearing the phrase 'retroactive retirement,' Penn State University officials began drafting paperwork to retroactively retire Paterno and Sandusky in 1997 so as to avoid any civil litigation related to the Nittany Lion child rape regime."
As Andrew Sullivan said the other day, he's not waving, he's drowning.
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