Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Breaking News From The Onion

The Rethugs' new dynamic duo says they're on the same page concerning their approaches to Medicare and the budget, but you can't tell from what they're saying. Well-lubricated weathervane Willard "Etch-A-Sketch" Romney recently said he didn't embrace every detail of his running mate's reactionary budget proposal, but couldn't identify any differences with his own proposal. Willard, of course, earlier called extremist Paul "Brown Nose" Ryan's budget "marvelous", but now wants to distance himself from it but doesn't know quite how. That would indicate they haven't sorted out which lies to tell about their real plans yet.

In this confusing environment, maybe we'll see Brown Nose attacking Willard's record as Governor....oh, wait, The Onion already has the story.

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