Sunday, August 26, 2012

Crist Endorses The President

In an op-ed piece today in the Tampa Bay Times, former Rethug Gov. of Florida Charlie Crist endorsed President Obama for re-election. Crist was on Sen. John McNasty's short list for VP in 2008, but was by-passed for that most excellent choice, half-term / half-wit Gov. Sarah "The Winker" Palin.

Crist hammered the Rethuglican Party as extreme, saying:
" element of [the Republican Party] has pitched so far to the extreme right on issues important to women, immigrants, seniors and students that they've proven incapable of governing for the people. Look no further than the inclusion of the Akin amendment in the Republican Party platform, which bans abortion, even for rape victims.

The truth is that the party has failed to demonstrate the kind of leadership or seriousness voters deserve."
The Crist endorsement is important in Florida, not only because he is still popular among moderate voters in Florida, but because he can articulate what's wrong and destructive with the agenda of the party he was once a key figure in.

BONUS: Willard's still having problems with his farther-right -- Ron Paul is saying "I don't fully endorse him for President."

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